Sunday, July 12, 2009

And the List LAUNCHES!

Welcome one and all to my crazy list of 101 things I want to do in the next 1001 days.

Now, let me first explain this is in no way a "bucket list". That list would be completely different, and a lot more meaningful. This is merely a list of things I have wanted to do, but put off every time something comes up in life. I hope having this list will push me to complete all of them, thus being one step closer to happiness and inner peace (next step: world peace!)

This list is inspired by my classmate from grammar school--Brian. He apparently got the idea from someone else named Erik, so check out both their blogs!

My friend Steve is doing this list as well. We both launch at midnight. I haven't seen Steve in ages, but maybe this list will help bridge the distance of our friendship. (Though, the internet has done a fine job of that already).

This post is mostly launch-house keeping, but I promise more interesting posts in the future... especially about which items seem the most difficult. Feel free to post questions in the comments, and I'll try to answer them when I talk more about the list and myself.

And with that, I rip off, without permission, Brian's set of rules:

"So this list is simple, 101 things I hope to accomplish over the next 1001 days (approx 2.75 years). The only rule is they must be done within the 1001 days. Therefore, if it is something I have already done, I need to do it again. "

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