Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sweet Treats

Steve has been pretty upset about my frequency of posting. But in all honesty, I have been working very hard getting myself ready for #70: Show My Mom Around Vegas. We are leaving Tuesday for Nevada, and I can't wait.

Two weeks ago, I began the very difficult task of attacking number 96 on my list -- having every standard flavor of cupcake at Georgetown Cupcake. This is a very difficult task because the sheer deliciousness is overwhelming!

Let's see what I got.

Inside this box are Georgetown Cupcake's Peanutbutter Fudge Swirl, Chocolate^3, Mint Chocolate, and Coconut.

Unfortunately, they aren't all mine.

The Chocolate^3 and the Mint Chocolate shall have to wait another day to be ruthlessly consumed by me.

The Coconut Cupcake tasted what I would expect a vicious snowstorm to taste like --fluffy and delicious. As I bit into it, a storm of coconut flakes flew off it, into the air, and up-and-away.

The icing was delicious. I was expecting it to be dense, overly-sugared buttercream. Instead, it was lightly dolloped on top, and completely DRENCHED in coconut. (This is a huge plus with me). This storm inducing creation was wonderful -- the only thing it was lacking was a snowboard.

The Peanut Butter Swirl has a core of some sort of chocolate-peanut butter fantasy that I have only dreamed about. When I bit in to this equally light-icing-topped creation, the insides just oozed out. The inner child in me screamed with glee. It was basically an adult-version of a kids food that had the same permissions you get as a kid to be messy (...unless you have my parents, of course!)

And there you have it. Two cupcakes. Remember, I did this because I had to. It was on the list.

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