Tuesday, July 14, 2009

61. 1/5 Movies Seen in Theater

Now this one may not seem like a huge deal to people, but it is to me. I rarely see movies in the movie theater. It isn't that I don't like them -- it is just that with all the crazy amounts of activities I did while in school, I was never free on Friday and Saturday nights to go with my friends. Once college hit, not only was the theater pretty hard to get to (we couldn't have cars on campus), but I didn't even think of it as an option when hanging out with friends.

This has led to me having NO idea what people are talking about when making movie pop-culture references. This has led to people assuming I hate movies. Granted, I have a really hard time sitting through long ones (maybe I am just not used to it) but I have found I really love them. I just recently saw Pulp Fiction, and I thought it was superb. I also learned why people randomly say "Zed is Dead. Zed is Dead." This item, in conjunction with #63 (Watch all the movies on my blockbuster queue as of this moment) is my attempt at getting caught up and staying with it.

So my first foray into movies was the movie Up.

A grainy camera phone picture will have to suffice until I unpack my camera:

Up was fantastic, and I may or may not have cried at many points (i.e., the whole damn entire movie). I went with the brilliant Jeremy Lott (buy his book: The Warm Bucket Brigade, trust me) who is basically my evil twin when it comes to movies. While I rarely see movies in theater, he sees them each about ten times, personally funding the movie industry. At least I always know someone willing to see a movie.

I was not feeling well at all yesterday, but I really needed to get out of my apartment. So, I've been meaning to see Up, and was surprised it was still even out. I am not a movie reviewer, so I am not even going to try to do that (plus, I'm still stuck in the mode of discerning reality vs. fantasy with these new fangled movies), but I will comment a little. Up really made me think about this list and all I want to do in life. This list completely isn't my bucket list, because I can't put a time constraint on certain things I want to accomplish -- but things like Bora Bora (#1), I've always wanted to do. But if I accomplish other, more meaningful things in life, I will never care if I actually set foot in Bora Bora. I've spent enough time planning vacations I could never afford to go on in the past that I get joy out of doing simply that.


  1. I can't Believe you don't get out to the movies much, but i've heard a lot of people (mainly girls) say they cried. I have been holding out for this on dvd. By the way you didnt have to change colors because i harassed you about stealing mine, and shouldn't you be using Lemon Yellow?

  2. Pink and purple work better with this color scheme than red and lime green. That was practically blinding!
