Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Kindey Foundation Walk

I have other things to blog about, but I wanted to post about the Kidney Foundation Walk I am going to participate in this October. (45 days!)

Some of you may know this is an important issue to me, so I have been very excited for this. If you have considered buying me a drink at any point, I suggest you save my liver, along with mine and other people's kidneys, and put that five dollars (or ten if you are in NYC or DC :P ) towards this cause. Any amount helps!

- Chronic kidney disease is a public health problem affecting 26 million Americans
- Risk factors include diabetes, high blood pressure and family history
- One in nine American adults have kidney disease and most don’t know it (and miss the opportunity to take early action)
- 92,000 people are waiting for organ transplants
- 17 people die each day waiting for an organ transplant

This is my walkpage, where you can track my progress and donate.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sweet Treats

Steve has been pretty upset about my frequency of posting. But in all honesty, I have been working very hard getting myself ready for #70: Show My Mom Around Vegas. We are leaving Tuesday for Nevada, and I can't wait.

Two weeks ago, I began the very difficult task of attacking number 96 on my list -- having every standard flavor of cupcake at Georgetown Cupcake. This is a very difficult task because the sheer deliciousness is overwhelming!

Let's see what I got.

Inside this box are Georgetown Cupcake's Peanutbutter Fudge Swirl, Chocolate^3, Mint Chocolate, and Coconut.

Unfortunately, they aren't all mine.

The Chocolate^3 and the Mint Chocolate shall have to wait another day to be ruthlessly consumed by me.

The Coconut Cupcake tasted what I would expect a vicious snowstorm to taste like --fluffy and delicious. As I bit into it, a storm of coconut flakes flew off it, into the air, and up-and-away.

The icing was delicious. I was expecting it to be dense, overly-sugared buttercream. Instead, it was lightly dolloped on top, and completely DRENCHED in coconut. (This is a huge plus with me). This storm inducing creation was wonderful -- the only thing it was lacking was a snowboard.

The Peanut Butter Swirl has a core of some sort of chocolate-peanut butter fantasy that I have only dreamed about. When I bit in to this equally light-icing-topped creation, the insides just oozed out. The inner child in me screamed with glee. It was basically an adult-version of a kids food that had the same permissions you get as a kid to be messy (...unless you have my parents, of course!)

And there you have it. Two cupcakes. Remember, I did this because I had to. It was on the list.